Talk about it!
What's that bump?!?!

Today we're going to talk about common skin irritation issues that can come with having curly hair. Two of the main issues we have are ingrown hairs and..... FOLLICULITIS. Have you heard of it? Well, I didn't until my esthetician brought it up to me recently. If you're like me you are wondering what it is. I got you just keep reading. What is folliculitis? Folliculitis is a common skin condition where the hair follicle becomes inflamed it can be itchy, sore, and sometimes embarrassing. The inflammation is usually caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. How do you get...
Low Porosity Hair.... only the strong survive
deep conditioner hair steaming hot oil treatment low porosity natural hair oils smg steamer stimulate my growth

I took the porosity test and found out that I have low porosity hair. It made so much sense because my hair would take so long to get fully drenched and when it does it takes a long time to dry (even blow dry). But first...what does it mean to have low porosity hair? Alright so now that you know what low porosity hair is and how to test your hair I want to give you some tips on how to manage your low porosity hair. Characteristics of low porosity hair Products will sit on your hair If you have low...
Porosity... What do you know about it?

This one goes out to you... you my curly girls *Usher voice*. I wanted to talk about something I must confess I did not do when I started my natural hair journey and that is learn my hair's porosity. Let me pause and inform those who may not know what porosity is and what it means. Porosity is how well your hair cuticle handles moisture. With Low porosity hair, your hair cuticles are more closed in which it is resistant to moisture. In medium porosity hair the hair cuticles lay flat which allow moisture in and holds in moisture. In high...